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<p>Kindly approve the following SMS templates at your end.</p><p><strong>For OTP</strong></p><pre><code class="language-plaintext">{#var#} is your verification code for {#var#}. - {SCHOOLSHORTCODE}</code></pre><p><strong>On Admission approval</strong></p><pre><code class="language-plaintext">Dear Parent, we are happy to inform that your child’s ADMISSION in {#var#} at {#var#} has been APPROVED. Please proceed to pay the initial fee, WITHIN 07 days from today, as per the details in the email sent to you. Thanks!" {#var#} - {SCHOOLSHORTCODE}</code></pre><p><strong>On admission confirmation</strong></p><pre><code class="language-plaintext">Dear Parent, Based on the payment of the initial fee by you, your child’s ADMISSION at {##var} is now CONFIRMED. Congratulations &amp; Welcome to {#var#} Family! - {SCHOOLSHORTCODE}</code></pre><p><strong>When payment is received</strong></p><pre><code class="language-plaintext">We thank you for the payment of {#var#} FEE of {#var#} Rs. {#var#} via receipt no. {#var#} for {#var#} {#var#}. - {SCHOOLSHORTCODE}</code></pre><p><strong>New admission notifications</strong></p><pre><code class="language-plaintext">New admission application received for {#var#}. - {SCHOOLSHORTCODE}</code></pre><p> </p>
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SMS templates